出自: 《Awake》
鈥斺€擖a href="/writer/293312" rel="tag" title="鍘熶綔鑰咃細闃插脊灏戝勾鍥? class="views-field-field-oriwriter-value">闃插脊灏戝勾鍥↑/a>銆夵a href="/article/293313" rel="tag" title="鍑鸿嚜銆奟UN銆? class="active">RUN
  • --My heart may be weak, but my mind is strong.
    --You think my new heart will love you as much as my old one?
  • People die. You may think you can control when or where or how it happens, but you can't. When your number is up, your number is up, and there's nothing anyone can do about it.