鎴戜粠涓嶇晱鎯ц〃杈炬垜鐨勭珛鍦猴紝姣忎釜浜洪兘鎯宠窡鐫€鎴戞贩锛屾垜浠細涓€璧疯蛋瀹岃繖鏉¤矾銆傚嵆浣挎毚椋庨闆紝闅忎粬鏄粈涔堬紝涓ュ瘨鎴栭叿鏆戯紝鍙兂浣犵煡閬擄紝浣犱笉瀛ょ嫭锛屽鏋滀綘韪忎笂浜嗗拰鎴戝悓涓€鏉¤矾锛屾垜浼氬拰浣犻棶濂姐€ 锛圛'm not afraid to take a stand Everybody come take my hand We'll walk this road together, through the storm Whatever weather, cold or warm Just let you know that, you're not alone Hola if you feel that you've been down the same road锛堻/a>
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