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四级英语写作常用句型 (菁华3篇)

日期:2022-11-08 00:00:00


  1. As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion to some extent.

  2. As far as I am concerned, I am really/completely in favor of the test/policy.

  3. In conclusion/a word, I believe that….

  4. There is some truth in both arguments, but I think the disadvantages of… outweigh its advantages.

  5. In my opinion/view, we should….

  6. As for me, I….

  7. As I see it, ….

  8. From my point of view, ….

  9. Personally, I think….

  10. My view is that….

  11. I think/consider….

  12. I take/hold a negative/positive view of….


  1). It’s adj for sb to do 做…对某人来说…

  2). … so … that … 如此… 以至于… … too … to do 太… 而不能…

  such … that … 如此… 以至于…

  3). not…until… 直到…才… 例: I didn’t go to bed until my mother came back.

  4).The reason why + 句子 is that + 句子 … 的原因是…

  The reason why he got angry was that she told him a lie. ( 他生气的原因是她对他说了谎。)

  5). That is why + 句子 那是…的原因

  6). That is because + 句子 那是因为…

  7). It is said that + 句子 据说…

  It is reported that + 句子 据报道…

  8). There is no doubt that + 句子 毫无疑问…

  9). It goes without saying that + 句子 不言而喻,毫无疑问

  10). There is no need to do 没必要做…

  11). There is no point in doing 做某事毫无意义


  1. As it is described that...

  2. It has been illustrated that...

  3. It provides a good example of...

  4. We may cite another instance of...

  5. History may provides us with the examples of...

  6. A number of further facts may be added...

  7. The situation is not unique,it is typical of dozens have heard.

  8. A recent investigation indicates that...

  9. According to the statistics provided...

  10. According to a latest study,it can be predicted..

  11. There is no sufficient evidence to show that...

  12. All available evidence points to the fact that...

  13. Examples given lead me to conclude that...

  14. It reveals the unquestionable fact that...

  15. The idea may be proved by facts...

  16. All the facts suggest that...

  17. No one can deny the fact that...

  18. We may face the undeniable fact that...

四级英语写作常用句型 (菁华3篇)扩展阅读

四级英语写作常用句型 (菁华3篇)(扩展1)

——大学英语四级写作 (菁华3篇)


  The proverb “Haste Makes Waste”has been widelyaccepted for many years.It reminds us that if we areto achieve our goal we have to do it in a down-to earth way.The truth of it is deep andprofound.

  There are numerous examples supporting this argument.A case in point is the ancientChinese story of “Helping the shoots grow by pulling.”This story proved that the hastecaused not only waste but great loss.For another example,some parents and teachers,in orderto improve children's academic performance in a short time,tend to put too heavy burden onchildren.This,as a result,brings the children nothing but great pressure.

  All the above-mentioned tells us that we shouldn't be over anxious for quickresults.Everything has its own developing law.Therefore,whatever we do,we should not paytoo much attention to the speed and ignore these laws.


  Nowadays piracy is becoming more and more of a problem in China. Almost any product, such as tape, CD and hi-tech device, can be copied. Shortly after a newly-developed product is put on the market, people will unsurprisingly find its pirated counterparts in the stores.

  It should be paid attention to that piracy causing great harm. On the one hand, pirated products often sell well due to their unbeatable advantage in price in spite of their relatively poor quality, and the original ones, on the contrary, sell poorly. On the other hand, pirated products may also have negative impacts on customers since those legitimate producers’ enthusiasm may be greatly hurt as a result of money loss. Therefore, it is high time that we took measures to solve the problem as soon as possible.

  First of all, stricter laws and regulations should be issued to punish piracy behaviors. Moreover, as customers, we should develop our consciousness to resist pirated products. Only in this way can this problem be solved radically.


  We Shouldn't Totally Turn to the Internet

  Nowadays,Internet has become an indispensable part in our life,and we use it for various purposes,such as searching useful information and chatting online.However,now more and more people turn to the Internet for help whenever they have trouble in finding solutions to their problems, and this phenomenon has aroused the public's attention.

  Relying on the Internet to solve all our difficulties can have bad impacts on us.On one hand,since we can always settle the troubles by searching solutions online,we can become very lazy and don't bother to think up answers by ourselves,which can hinder the development of creative thinking.On the other hand,the answers online may be inaccurate or wrong.If we use them without thinking the credibility of them,we may make serious mistakes someday.

  As far as I'm concerned,we shouldn't completely depend on the Internet to settle problems.When we come across some difficulties,we’d better try our best to find possible solutions.If we make great efforts and still can't come up with an answer,then we can surf online to search solutions.But we should question the correctness of these answers before we adopt them.

四级英语写作常用句型 (菁华3篇)(扩展2)


  四级英语写作常用句型 1

  1.as an old saying goes,....正如一句古老的谚语所说

  2....be nothing but... ....不过就是...

  3.from where i stand.... 从我的立场来说

  4.give oneself a chance to.....给某人一个机会去...

  5.i feel sure that...我坚信...

  6....is the best way to make sure that....确保...的最好办法是.

  7.we must do our absolute best to....我们必须竭尽全力做.

  8.there is no denying the fect that...无可否认.

  9.nothing is more+adj.+than to+v.没有比...更重要的了

  10.主语+cannot emphasize the importance of....too much 再怎么强调..的重要性也不为过

  11....pose a great threat to... ...对..造成了一大威胁(eg.Pollution poses a great threat to our existance.)

  12.stole the spotlight from...从...获得大众的瞩目

  13....touch sb. on the raw ....触到某人的痛处

  14.it is not uncommon that... 这是常有的事儿。。

  15it is almost impossible to do.. 。。。是很困难的 16the recent research has shown that..最*研究表明。。

  17...has/have no alternative but to...除...外别无选择

  18....between the devil and the deep blue sea 进退维谷,左右为难

  19.content in the thought that...满足于...的想法

  四级英语写作常用句型 2

  1. Time flies.时光易逝。

  2. Time is money.一寸光阴一寸金。

  3. Time and tide wait for no man.岁月无情;岁月易逝;岁月不待人。

  4. Time tries all.时间检验一切。

  5. Time tries truth.时间检验真理。

  6. Time past cannot be called back again.光阴一去不复返。

  7. All time is no time when it is past.光阴一去不复返。

  8. No one can call back yesterday; Yesterday will not be called again.昨日不复来。

  9. Tomorrow comes never.切莫依赖明天。

  10. One today is worth two tomorrows.一个今天胜似两个明天。

  11. The morning sun never lasts a day.好景不常;朝阳不能光照全日。

  12. Christmas comes but once a year.圣诞一年只一度。

  13. Pleasant hours fly past.快乐时光去如飞。

  14. Happiness takes no account of time.欢娱不惜时光逝。

  15. Time tames the strongest grief.时间能缓和极度的悲痛。

  16. The day is short but the work is much.工作多,光阴迫。

  17. Never deter till tomorrow that which you can do today.今日事须今日毕,切勿拖延到明天。

  18. Have you somewhat to do tomorrow, do it today.明天如有事,今天就去做。

  19. To him that does everything in its proper time, one day is worth three.事事及时做,一日胜三日。

  20. To save time is to lengthen life.节省时间就是延长生命。

  21. Everything has its time and that time must be watched.万物皆有时,时来不可失。

  22. Take time when time cometh, lest time steal away.时来必须要趁时,不然时去无声息。

  23. When an opportunity is neglected, it never comes back toyou.机不可失,时不再来;机会一过,永不再来。

  24. Make hay while the sun shines.晒草要趁太阳好。

  25. Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁。

  26. Work today, for you know not how much you may be hindered tomrrow.今朝有事今朝做,明朝可能阻碍多。

  27. Punctuality is the soul of business.守时为立业之要素。

  28. Procrastination is the thief of time.因循拖延是时间的大敌;拖延就是浪费时间。

  29. Every tide hath ist ebb.潮涨必有潮落时。

  30. Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。

  四级英语写作常用句型 3



  Recently, the issue of ...... has been brought into public focus.


  Now we are entering a brand new era full of opportunities and innovations, and great changes have taken place in people’s attitude towards some traditional practice.


  Recently the issue of whether or not ... has been in the limelight and has aroused wide concern in the public.


  Some people are of the opinion that..


  Many people claim that...


  A majority of 绝大多数

  A large number of 很多人

  Some people contend that ... has proved to bring many advantages (disadvantages)


  Those who argue for ... say that ...economic development of the cities.

  觉得_____的人认为,______ 城市的经济发展。

  Some people advocate that ....


  They hold that ... 他们认为_________。

  People, who advocate that ..., have their sound reasons (grounds)


  Those who have already benefited from practicing it sing high praise of it.


  Those who strongly approve of ... have cogent reasons for it.


  Many people would claim that...


  People who support ... give some or all of the following reasons.


  But others hold the view that ...但是,另外一些人则认为_______。

  观点的用词:Attitude, opinion, 与其搭配的动词以及词组:Take, have, come up with,set forth, put forward等。

  But on the other hand, there are also quite a few people who strongly advocate that..,.


  But people who are ..., on the other hand , maintain that...


  However, there are a large number of people who hold a different view concerning this case.


  问题用词:Issue, phenomenon,后接介词, on, over等。

  However, some others argue that... 然而,另一些人则认为_________。

  However, there are also some others who contend that...


  But other people set forth completely totally different argument concerning this case.


  Some people examine this issue from another angle.


  On the other hand, there are also many opponents who strongly ...


  According to my personality and fondness, I would prefer ... rather than...


  四级英语写作常用句型 4




  1. 基本原因 --- 分析某事物时, 用此句型说明其基本的或者多方面的原因.

  [1]. The answer to this problem invovles many factors. For one thing... For another...... Still another ...

  [2]. A number of factors , both physical and psychological affect .... /both individual and social contribute to ....

  2另一原因 --------> 在分析了基本原因之后, 再补充一个次要的或者更重要时用!

  [1]. Another important factor is ....

  [2]. ... is also responsible for the change/problem.

  [3]. Certainly , the ... is not the sole reason for .....

  3 后果影响 ------分析某事物可能造成的后果或者带来的影响 .

  [1]. It will produce a profound impact on....

  [2]. In involves some serious consequence for ........

  4. 两者比较 ---> 比较两事物, 要说出其一超过另一个, 或肯定一事物的优点, 也肯定其缺点的时候用

  [1]. The advantages gained from A are much greater than the advantages we gain from B.

  [2]. Indeed, A carries much weight重要度)when compared with B.

  [3]. There is no doubt that it has its negative effects as well as positive effects.

  5 . 两者相同/相似 ------> 比较两事物共同都有或者共同都没有的特点时用!

  [1]. A and B have several thing in common. They are similar in that.....

  [2]. A bears some striking(显著的) resemblance(s)( 相似性) to B.


  1 对立法 : 先引出其他人的不同看法,然后提出自己的看法或者偏向于某一看法,

  [1]. When asked about....., the vast majority of people say that ....... But I view a bit differently.

  [2]. When it comes to .... , some people bielive that ....... Others claim that the opposite is true . There is probably some truth in both arguements, but I tend to the latter(后者;(二者中)后者的) ...

  [3]. Now, it is commonly acknowledged that .... They claim that ... But I wonde r whether.....

  2 现象法 引出要剖析的现象或者问题, 然后评论

  [1]. Recently the rise inphenomenon of ... has aroused public worldwide concern.

  [2]. Recently the issue of the problem of ...has been brought into focus.

  [3].Inflation(通货膨胀)/Corruption(贪腐)/Social inequality(不*等) ... is yet another of the new and bitter truth we have to learn to face constantly.

  3 观点法 ----开门见山,直接了当地提出自己对要讨论的问题的看法.

  [1]. Now people in significant numbers are coming to realize that...

  [3]. Now there is a growing awareness of the necessity to......Now people become increasingly conscious of the importance of ......

  [4]. Perhaps it is time to have a fresh look at the attitude that.......

  4 引用法 ----- 先引出名人名言或者有代表性的看法, 来引出文章要展开论述的'观点

  [1]. "Knowledge is power." such is the remark made by Bacon.This remark has been shared by more and more people .

  "Education is not complete with graduation.(学无止境)" Such is the opnion of a great American philosopher. Now more and more people share his opnion.

  [2]."........." How often we hear such statements like thoses /this .

  In our own days we are used to hearing such traditional complains as this "......"


  1 结论性--------- 通过对文章前面的讨论 ,引出或重申文章的中心

  [1]. From what has been discussed above, we may easily draw the conclusion that .....

  [2]. In summary , it is more valuable .......

  2 后果性------ 揭示所讨论的问题若不解决, 将产生的严重后果.

  [1]. We must call for an immediate method , because the current phenomenon of ... , if allowed to proceed, will surely lead to the heavy cost of .......

  [2]. Obviously , if we ignore/are blind to the problem , there is every chance that .. will be put in danger.

  3 号召性 -------- 呼吁读者行动起来, 采取行动或提请注意.


  [1]. It is time that we urged an immediate end to the undesirable tendency of・・・・

  [2]. It is essential thar effective measures should be taken to correct the tendency.

  4 建议性 -------- 对所讨论的问题提出建议性的意见, 包括建议和具体的解决问题的方法

  [1]. While it cannot be solved immediately, still there are ways. The most popular is .... Another method is ... Still another one is .....

  [2]. Awareness/Recognition of the problem is the first step toward the situation.

  5 方向性的结尾方式 ---- 其与建议性的唯一差别就是对问题解决提出总的, 大体的方向或者指明前景.

  [1]. Many solutions are being offered here , all of them make some sense, but none is adequate enough. The problem should be recognized in a wide way .

  [2]. There is no quick method to the issue of .., but .. might be helpful/benefical.

  [3]. The great challenge today is ...... There is much difficulty , but ........

  6 意义性的结尾方式 --------> 文章结尾的时候,从更高的更新的角度指出所讨论的问题的重要性以及其深远的意义!

  [1]. Following these suggestions may not guarantee the success, but the pay off might be worth the effort . It will not only benefit・・・ but also benefit .....

  [2]. In any case, whether it is posotive or negative, one thing is certain that it will undoubtedly ..

  四级英语写作常用句型 5

  1. As it is described that...

  2. It has been illustrated that...

  3. It provides a good example of...

  4. We may cite another instance of...

  5. History may provides us with the examples of...

  6. A number of further facts may be added...

  7. The situation is not unique,it is typical of dozens have heard.

  8. A recent investigation indicates that...

  9. According to the statistics provided...

  10. According to a latest study,it can be predicted..

  11. There is no sufficient evidence to show that...

  12. All available evidence points to the fact that...

  13. Examples given lead me to conclude that...

  14. It reveals the unquestionable fact that...

  15. The idea may be proved by facts...

  16. All the facts suggest that...

  17. No one can deny the fact that...

  18. We may face the undeniable fact that...

四级英语写作常用句型 (菁华3篇)(扩展3)


  大学英语四级写作常用句式 1

  1)In short,it can be said that ...

  2)It may be briefly summed up as follows.

  3)From what has been mentioned above,we can come to the conclusion that ...


  From what has been mentioned above,we can come to the conclusion that examination is necessary,however, its method should be improved.


  大学英语四级写作常用句式 2

  1)We should take some effective measures.

  2)We should try our best to overcome(conquer)the difficulties.

  3)We should do our utmost in doing sth.

  4)We should solve the problems that we are confronted(faced)with.


  The housing problem that we are confronted with is becoming more and more serious.Therefore,we must take some effective measures to solve it.

  大学英语四级写作常用句式 3

  1)It has the following advantages.

  2)It does us a lot of good.

  3)It benefits us quite a lot.

  4)It is beneficial to us.

  5)It is of great benefit to us.


  Books are like friends.They can help us know the world better,and they can open our minds and widen our horizons.Therefore,reading extensively is of great benefit to us.

  大学英语四级写作常用句式 4

  1)It has more disadvantages than advantages.

  2)It does us much harm.

  3)It is harmful to us.


  However,everything divides into two.Television can also be harmful to us.It can do harm to our health and make us lazy if we spend too much time watching television.

  大学英语四级写作常用句式 5

  1)It’s well known to us that ...

  2)As is known to us,...

  3)This is a topic that is being widely talked about.

  4)From the graph(table,chart)listed above,it can be seen that ...

  5)As a proverb says,“Where there is a will,there is a way.


  As is well known to us,it is important for the students to know the world outside campus.

  The reason for this is obvious.Nowadays,the society is changing and developing rapidly,and the campus is no longer an “ivory tower?.As college students,we must get in touch with the world outside the campus.Only in this way can we adapt ourselves to the society quickly after we graduate.


  Does it pay to be honest?This is a topic that is being widely talked about and different people have different opinions on it.

四级英语写作常用句型 (菁华3篇)(扩展4)

——6月英语四级写作 (菁华3篇)



  ____________at/in__________on___________.It would be a great pleasure to have you attend this event.

  I am sure that you will be interested in_______.First,____________.Second,_______.Enclosed is the details of_____________.Your participation is very important because_____________.

  The ____________will begin at____________.We do hope that you can make it .If not,would it be possible for you to drop us a line before_________?Thank you very much.

  Best wishes.




  I am writing this letter to call on_________.As some of you may know,________.In face,________.

  It is necessary for us to________.On the one hand,__________.On the other hand,_________.Hesce, it is high time________.Firstly, we should _____________.Secondly,___________.

  Please contact us via_________.Please join us in the effort to __________.

  Thank you for your paiticipation





  I read from today’s newspaper about recent_________and I am writing to extend my deepest condolences.

  It broke my heart to__________.I could not believe my eyes when_________,and I am really worried about you and your_________I am crossing my fingers for you now in hope that________.

  I can imagine how difficult it must be for you , and I want to let you know that you have my full support.We are donating money and necessities to______.Please let me know if I can help you with anything else.

  I feel extrenely sorry for the tragedy,and I am convinced that you will overcome the difficulty and embrace a better life.

  Sincere yours,


四级英语写作常用句型 (菁华3篇)(扩展5)

——英语四级英语写作:Create Your Own Life (菁华6篇)

英语四级英语写作:Create Your Own Life1

  As is shown in the picture above, a hot pot is boiling. However, unlike the traditional hot pot, in which you may see mutton, bean curd and various vegetables, this cultural hot pot contains a variety of cultural elements as its ingredients, such as Kong Fu, Confucianism, Shakespeare and Swan Lake, which make the hot pot both delicious and nutritious.

  Clearly, the picture gives us the answer to the questions of how we should treat the foreign cultures and how we can build our national culture in the context of globalization spurred by the advancement of technology and the open-door policy adopted by many countries. That’s to say, rather than dismissing foreign cultures as harmful or worthless, we should integrate the essences of global cultures into Chinese traditional culture. Undoubtedly, it’s an effective way to promote our culture development, and a reasonable notion we should take now.

  In my opinion, culture blending is extremely vital to ensuring a country’s development of culture. However, seeing that there are still many people in our society holding that foreign cultures may undermine the integrity and independence of Chinese native culture, the implementation of this notion needs our government’s promotion and the media’s popularization. Accordingly, we should bear in mind that only when everyone knows how to appreciate and respect the global cultures can we build our own culture successfully.

英语四级英语写作:Create Your Own Life2

  As is shown in the picture above, innumerable people are sitting in their isolated rooms, surfing on the Internet. It seems that the Internet has connected people together, because they can chat with other people all over the world, but upon closer observation, we can learn from the picture that people have been separated from each other effectively, because the walls between them restrict them to their own world.

  The connotation of the picture is to remind us that while the Internet has brought a great deal of convenience and proficiency to us, it also acts as a barrier, prohibiting the face-to-face communication. Undoubtedly, the Internet has its minus and pluses, and it’s necessary to ***yze its influences on our life. On the one hand, the modern technology represented by the internet does have its advantages, such as online shopping, online chatting, and online news, all of which enable us to obtain what we want without travelling thousands of miles, and shorten the distance between people. On the other hand, the dramatic technological changes that have provided us with more communication opportunities have also increased the risk that we will be more alienated from our relatives and friends. The people in the picture may feel lonely after a long time of Internet life.

  From the ***ysis above, we can come to the conclusion that we should treat the Internet with a reasonable attitude and use it in a proper way. While we enjoy the benefits provided by the Internet, we should not forget that the virtual net world cannot be a substitute for the real world. And we should cherish the intimacy of the face-to-face communication. Only in this way can we have a wholesome life.

英语四级英语写作:Create Your Own Life3

  The picture above presents to us a scene that the aged father has been kicked out by his eldest son in a football match, crouching in the middle of the football court, with his four offspring defending their goals in the four corners of the football field to prevent him from entering.

  Clearly, the picture reflects a worrying and noteworthy phenomenon that our development of society has been accompanied by a corresponding virtue decline. To be specific, many old persons are rejected and maltreated by his or her sons and daughters, leading such a miserable life. There is no denying the fact that the tremendous pressure and the increasing tempo of life in modern city make some people feel that their parents are burdens, but it’s the moral decline that leads the four persons in the picture to shirk their responsibility to look after their father and even mistreat him.

  Undoubtedly, living pressure and busy work cannot be used as excuses for evading the duty of offering psychological and financial support to our parents, and we should get moving to reverse the disturbing trend and to raise the standard of people’s morality. In addition to the government’s legal measures and media’s publicity, what’s the most important is that school education should help people from childhood establish the notion of respecting the old. Only in this way can we ensure a better life for the elderly.

英语四级英语写作:Create Your Own Life4

  As is shown in the picture, a man is hesitating about attempting his first step, because he finds that the path to success is so rugged and arduous that he may face many formidable tasks and a variety of impossible mission. It seems that success is too remote for him to achieve, yet a ladder named optimism laid on the road reminds us that he can conquer the difficulties in the way if he take advantage of it.

  What the painter proposes to tell us is that since the road to success is bound to be bumpy and full of inevitable setbacks, we should be optimistic and mentally prepared to confront the obstacles on the road. In other words, optimism plays a key role in our life. However, it’s not difficult to find that there are two strikingly different attitudes toward the life and toward the pathway to success now. Some people, like the man in the picture, are pessimistic about the way to success and exaggerate the difficulties. Undoubtedly, this sort of outlook on life will result in either resignation or depression, prohibiting personal improvement and progress. On the contrary, there is no doubt that those people who take a sanguine view about the prospect and life will reap the harvest at last.

  In my opinion, an optimistic outlook is of utmost importance for us in today’s society which could be characterized by fierce competition, enormous pressure and busy life style. It will not only help us achieve success, but will also bring a fulfilling life to us. Accordingly, we should bear in mind that optimism is the passport to success and happiness, and a bright future will be on the horizon if we keep optimistic in the face of difficulties in our life.

英语四级英语写作:Create Your Own Life5

  The picture above tries to arouse our consideration about the relationship between wealth and happiness. In the first picture, a man is standing at the summit of a mountain named high salary; in the second picture, a magnate is imprisoned in a diamond cage. It seems that after accumulating a large fortune, they are both left at a loss.

  The picture reflects a social trend that in today’s society fueled by money and power, many people tend to equate money with happiness. Under such circumstances, it’s of great importance to explore the relationship between wealth and happiness. In the first place, we are living in a world where the idea that one can lead a good life without money is an illusion. So, to correlate the wealth and happiness is justified in a sense. In the second place, the equation of the money and happiness is dangerous, because this notion may not only lead us to forget many elements necessary to constitute a happy life, such as love, friendship, health, family and so on, but may also result in bad habits, such as drug-taking and gambling.

  In my opinion, we should never base our happiness on money, and should understand the definition of happiness. Rather than identifying money and happiness, we should regard happiness as a process in which we conquer hardship, we share joy with our friend, we enjoy the progress we achieve after an arduous journey, and at last, we gain mental satisfaction that cannot be purchased. Accordingly, we should bear in mind that only when we know what happiness is can we not only get joy, but also have a better life.

  (Undoubtedly, this view is questionable, and it’s necessary to ***yse the consequences if we establish this equation.)

  (Happiness is more than joy without striving. Rather than equating the happiness with money, we should enjoy the process in which we obtain success, even if there are many difficulties in the way. Only when we know what happiness is and how we can lead a good life can we not only get happiness, but also have a better life.)

英语四级英语写作:Create Your Own Life6

  The picture above presents to us a soothing scene that having found that the old lady has paid an extra two Yuan for what she has bought, the shopkeeper rushes out to return it to the elderly woman, even though she is about to leave, neglecting her carelessness. Undoubtedly, everyone who pays attention to this picture will be delighted at the shopkeeper’s good deeds.

  What the painter purposes to tell us is that honesty, as a priceless fortune, should be cherished and promoted not only by the businesswoman depicted in the picture, but also by all of us. The importance of honesty lies in the following two aspects. In the first place, with the development of the market economy, honesty becomes the key to market value and a trump to attract consumers. So, it’s difficult to see how a company, which is notorious for its dishonesty, can survive the fierce competition now. In the second place, honesty is a basic principle of human being and a prerequisite for trust. Therefore, it’s inconceivable that anyone, who lacks honesty, can obtain love, friend and respect in daily life.

  In my opinion, a harmonious society is based on the sound and mutual-trusting relationships among people, and such relationships depend on our practice of honesty. Accordingly, politicians, media, entrepreneurs and every common people should join their efforts to create a climate of honesty in our society, in which business can prosper and individuals can be friendly to each other. We should bear in mind that only when honesty becomes a habit shared by all of us can we have a better place to live in.

四级英语写作常用句型 (菁华3篇)(扩展6)

——英语写作常用重点句型 50句菁华

1、. not…until… 直到…才… 例: I didn’t go to bed until my mother came back.

2、. There is no doubt that + 句子 毫无疑问…




6、in one’s+整十数的复数 在某人几十多岁时

7、He spends half an hour (in) reading English every morning。他每天早上花半小时读英语。

8、主语+ is + the +形容词最高级+名词+(that)+主语+ have ever + seen(known / heard / had / read,etc)例如:Liu Yifei is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen in my life. 刘亦菲是我所看过最美丽的女孩。Mr. Liu is the kindest teacher that I have ever had. 刘老师是我曾经遇到最仁慈的教师。

9、There is no doubt that +从句(毫无疑问的……),例如:There is no doubt that he came late. 毫无疑问,他来晚了。There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be desired.毫无疑问的我们的教育制度令人不满意。 There is no doubt that you will be helped by others if you have any difficulties.毫无疑问,你有困难时,会得到别人的帮助。

10、it took him a year to do….( 他用了1年的时间来做……), 例如:As far as we know, it took him more than a year to write the book.到目前为止我们所知道的是,他用了1年的时间来写这本书。It took them a long time to realize they had made a mistake. 过了很久,他们才意识到犯错了。

11、be closely related to xxx (与……息息相关)




15、Like anything else, it has its faults.

16、Evidently, it has both negative and positive effects.

17、Contrary to what is widely accepted, I maintain that ...



20、No one can call back yesterday; Yesterday will not be called again.昨日不复来。

21、To save time is to lengthen life.节省时间就是延长生命。

22、Punctuality is the soul of business.守时为立业之要素。

23、As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion to some extent.

24、From my point of view, ….

25、I think/consider….

26、Recent years have been a boom in…

27、In reaction to the phenomenon of…, some people say…

28、Now, it is widely believed that…

29、People’s opinion wary when they talk about…Some maintain that…Others believe that…

30、…may give rise to/result in a number of problems.

31、As to me, the former/latter opinion is more acceptable.

32、For my part, I am on the side of…

33、Happy birthday! 生日快乐!

34、You’re welcome. 不用谢。

35、Have some bananas, please. 请吃些香蕉。

36、Can I go with you? 我能和你一起走吗?

37、Excuse me, where’s the cinema? 请问,电影院在哪?

38、This way, please. 请这边走。

39、Sorry, I don’t know. You may go and ask him. 对不起,我不知道。你可以去问他。

40、It’s time for… 到了(做)…的时候了。

41、Let me have a look, please. 让我看一看。

42、Pardon? 对不起,请再说一遍。

43、Excuse me, would you please tell me…?对不起,你能告诉我…?

44、Look, they’re between the bags.看,它们在书包中间。

45、It’s a photo of my family. 是我们家的全家福。

46、Their names are… 他们的名字是…

47、Now, it is widely believed that …

48、Why …? Three factors can explain this.

49、The factors that contribute to … include…

50、How to …? The key words are as follows. To begin with, …. Next, …. Finally, ….

四级英语写作常用句型 (菁华3篇)(扩展7)

——英语四级常用英语词组 40句菁华

1、at least 至少

2、at the end (of) 在~~结束时



5、a piece of 一张(一片,块)

6、a kind of 一种

7、a group of 一队,一组,一群

8、one after another 顺次

9、the day before yesterday 前天

10、a moment ago 刚才

11、half an hour's walk 步行半小时的路程

12、开拓心胸 to broaden the mind

13、灌输知识 to impart knowledge into someone

14、实现抱负 to realize one's ambition

15、欣赏古典文学 to appreciate the classical literature

16、作笔记 to take notes

17、尽身为学生的责任 to fulfill one's duty as a student

18、美化环境 to beautify the environment

19、对...有害 to be harmful to;to do harm to

20、屏息 to hold one's breath

21、流泪 to shed tears

22、振作 to pull oneself together;to take heart

23、把握机会 to seize the opportunity

24、告辞 to take one's leave

25、跟随流行 to follow the fashion

26、存钱 to deposit money

27、自立 to be independent;to stand on one's own

28、none other than 不是别的,正是

29、off and on 断断续续,间歇地

30、on board 在船(车/飞机)上

31、on purpose 故意地

32、on sale 出售,廉价出售

33、on schedule 按时间表,准时

34、on second thoughts 经重新考虑

35、on the grounds of 根据,以……为由

36、on the other hand 另一方面

37、just now 刚才

38、on a plane/bus/train/ship 在飞机/公共汽车/火车/轮船上

39、by the way 顺便问一下

40、have a rest 休息一下

四级英语写作常用句型 (菁华3篇)(扩展8)


  12月英语四级写作背诵 1

  This is Teachers' Day and a time to be grateful to all teachers. This profession deserves the special recognition and respect. There is no more appropriate time than this to honour you and others in your chosen field. You have my eternal gratefulness. Have a happy Teachers' Day.

  The whole secret of the teacher's force lies in the conviction that men are convertible. Teacher, who educate children, deserve more honor than parents, who merely gave them birth; for the latter provided more life, while the former ensure a good life. What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul. My heart felt thanks to you, dear teacher. On the voyage of life, you have kindled the light of hope for me. What you have done enriches my mind and broadens my view.

  On this day I honour you sincerely.

  12月英语四级写作背诵 2

  In recent years, there have been many disputes about young’givings seats to the elderly on buses. Some people maintain that the elderly are physically weak and are more prone to falling and getting hurt when standing on a moving bus. Therefore, young people, especially those taking the priority seats, have obligation to offer the seats to senior citizens to prevent potential hurt.

  Some people, however, think the other way. Young passengers, they say, pay for the bus trip, so they enjoy the same right as the senior citizens to use the seats on the bus. Besides, many young riders, though physically strong, can’escapet being exhausted by a day ’ s work and are in great need the seats on the buses toorcing.Fo them to give up the seats seems inhuman and unfair.

  In my view, whether it is compulsory for the young to give up their seats to needy riders depends on the kind of seats they take. In general, it is a moral requirement for young passengers on regular seats to do so. However, for those sitting on priority seats, it is a legal obligation.

  12月英语四级写作背诵 3

  At the picture depicts, a father told his son that he should read dee*** rather than merely pursue the quantity of reading materials. It reflects that people tend to browse and scan e-books without stopping to ponder even one question. The way we read is so superficial that it arouses great concern in modern life.

  To be a better reader, we had better do as follows. For one thing, take notes about crucial details as we used to do. Taking notes can avoid the phenomenon that the more we read online or on smart phones, the less we seemed to memorize. For another, classics deserve to be savored by the contemporary people. For example, some classical novels can be read free on Kindle, which makes them popular among youngsters again. What's more, if we did not make summaries from time to time, nothing that we learnt from e-books would truly be ours.

  In conclusion, when we enjoy digital reading, we should consciously conducts deep reading. Try our best to keep those good habits which are acquired in the process of paper reading, such as intensive reading and deep thinking.

  12月英语四级写作背诵 4

  Everyone expects to succeed in whatever he/she does.Unfortunately no one is always successful in all his / her life, not even such great people as Marx, Mao, Madam Currie and Einstein. Different people hold different attitudes towards failure. Some people become discouraged and are even defeated by failure, while some other people learn lessons from, failure and continue their efforts.

  There is no denying that failure is a bad thing, but "Bad things can turn to good things." It all depends on how we deal with it. If we are pessimistic, we will lose heart. If we are optimistic, we will see hope. I really have sympathy for those who, being badly hurt by failure, lose self confidence and confidence in life. However, I have even greater admiration for those who, being stimulated by failure, go on straight forward to achieve success.

  I believe in the saying "Failure is the mother of success." If I fail, I will try again, If I fail again. I will try and try again.

  12月英语四级写作背诵 5

  Can money buy happiness? Various people have various answers. Some people think that money is the source of happiness. With money, one can buy whatever he enjoys. With money, one can do whatever he likes. So, in their minds, money can bring comfort, security, and so on. Money, as they think, is the source of happiness.

  But there are still a lot of others who think that money is the root of all evil. Money drives people to steal, to rob, and to break the law. A lot of people became criminals just because they were in search of money. And in the Western countries, there is nothing that can’t be bought by money. Many people lose their own lives when hunting it.

  I think that money is essential to life and we cannot do without money. But even though money is necessary to life, it can’t buy happiness. Happiness is not something that can be measured by money. It is a state of mind. One can have plenty of money, with which he can buy whatever he wants, and at the same time he is not happy because he is never satisfied or he is troubled by various kinds of problems. Therefore, although money is necessary for a happy life, it can’t buy happiness.

  12月英语四级写作背诵 6

  Today, I happened to read the news that most celebrities pay special attention to their kids’ education, when the baby was inborn, they had already planed the school, they order the school with good fame for the purpose that their kids can have the chance to enter the good school. Some parents even ask their kids to learn several skills in a time when the kids are in primary school. Every parent wants their kids to be the best, but it needs to step by step.

  It is such common situation that most small kids need to take several after-class lessons, because the parents want their kids learn as more as possible, so they decide to send their children to learn many skills. In my opinion, the parents should not let their children learn so many classes in the early age, the kids need to spend some time to play with their friends, they need to breathe some fresh air. If the parents push them so much, the children will go against with the parents.

  Every parent wants to raise their kids to be the excellent persons, but they must take the right way, they need to give their kids some freedom.

  12月英语四级写作背诵 7

  And as a Chinese, I am so proud of our mother country.However, on the other hand, we also have been losing many other good things such as beautiful environment and traditional culture when the GDP has increased quickly. And we also know that the traditional culture is the soul of an ancient nation. It is the most important thing. But we Chinese seem to ignore this. And that many things happened in this year like to remind us to be awake of this phenomenon. The accident of our high speed trains had taken many people's lives away in July. And that the 2-years-old girl had been hurt to die while 18 passers should to save her.

  And in my opinion, the culture and civilization are so important that we can't lose them. However the economy and technology have been developed, we will have nothing when we lost the important things. As a student, I have no idea that what should I do. And I just want to say, we must develop our traditional culture but not to abandon them.

  12月英语四级写作背诵 8

  Some people imagine to leave this fearful world, only to come down to earth. Scientists tell us that of all the stars known in the vast universe, the earth is the only planet on which human beings can survive. But now we are facing the risky problems concerning our existence on earth. Worldwide environmental deterioration (恶化) is alarming. The earth is plagued with population explosion, energy crisis, lack of food, housing problem and environmental pollution. During the process of industrialization, human beings are pur crazily the benefits from the economic growth. Now we have suffered from the results. The overuse of natural resources has affected ecosystem(生态系统) on earth. Environmental deterioration has critically upset the balance of nature. The damage mainly attributes to mans ignorance, greed and wastefulness. For immediate interests human beings have overused earth resources with no thought for the future. Now the terrible damage poses a severe challenge to our existenceg Then what will our future be if we do not act now .

  12月英语四级写作背诵 9

  Computer on SaleI'm Li Ming, a senior from Computer Science Engineering Department.

  I want to sell my computer, for one month later I will go abroad to pursue the master's degree.

  I bought this Apple desktop PC when I was a freshman.

  It accompanies me and gives me much help through the college life.

  Its half new monitor is still fashionable.

  With Microsoft Windows XP Professional operating system installed, its components are in good condition as well.

  The motherboard, 64MB video card, Intel Centrino processor, 512MB RAM and 40G hard drives work very efficiently.

  If you are interested in my computer, please contact me on the following number 81234567 or by e-mail liming@yahoo. com. The price is negotiable.

  12月英语四级写作背诵 10

  Ladies and gentlemen, I am greatly honored to have this opportunity to run for the position of sales manager in this foreign trade company.

  To briefly introduce myself, I am an undergraduate of Peking University majoring in business administration, and expect graduation this June.

  Not only do I have excellent academic performance in all courses, but also I possess the rich experience of being assistant manager of several renowned international companies, such as KPMG and Microsoft.

  My interactive personal skills and teamwork spirit are also appropriate for this post.

  So I think I am qualified for this position. If I am admitted, I will try every means to increase our sales. I will exert myself to communicate more with our former customers and develop more new customers and establish good business relationship with them.

  What's more, I will train every employee in my department with sales techniques and build up their teamwork spirit.

  I sincerely hope you could give me the chance and I would be grateful for that.



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