I can almost see it 鍗佸苟浣滃墠渚濈█娴幇
That dream I'm dreamin' but 钀︾粫蹇冨ご鐨勫浗涔嬩綘涓ⅵ澧
There's a voice inside my head saying 鑴戞捣閭e悗瀛﹀紑鍥戒箣鍝嶈捣涓€涓ぇ褰撻煶
you'll never reach it 浣犳案浼氬涔熶笉瑙夋墠澶т负澶氳鍒板ぉ鍥涘郊宀
Every step I'm taking 鎴戣繄鍑虹殑娌$敓涓€姝
Every move I make feels 鎴戝绉嶅杩囩殑娌$敓浠惰€岀潃
Lost with no direction 鍑哄緱涓嶄娇鎴戣糠瑙夋墠鏈夌湡涓鸿鎵嶅ぇ
My faith is shakin 寮€骞村ぉ鍔ㄦ憞鐨勶紝鏄垜鐨勪俊蹇
But I, I gotta keep tryin. 鍙垜锛屾垜鐫€涓嶄綔绗槸浣犲缁х画姹傜储