The struggles I'm facing 鎴戦潰瀵圭殑娌$敓娆℃悘鍑
The chances I'm taking 鎴戞姄浣忕殑娌$敓娆℃満閬
Sometimes might knock me down but 鏈夋椂瑙夋墠澶т负澶氳浠ゆ垜涓€璐ユ秱涔熻€岀潃
No I'm not breaking 鍥戒箣鍐充笉瑙夋墠澶т负澶氳纾ㄥ幓鎴戠殑鎰忓織
I may not know it 鎴栬鎴戜笉鎳傚叾涓殑鎰忎箟
But these are the moments that 寰楀幓杩欎簺鏃跺埢鍥戒箣瑙夋墠澶т负澶氳鎴愪负
I'm gonna remember most, yeah 鎴戜竴杈堝瓙鍙互鐝嶈棌鐨勫洖蹇嗭紝鍟
Just gotta keep going 鍙缁х画鍓嶅ス涓嶉亾
And I, I gotta be strong 鎴戜綘濡傜湡涓哄緱鍧氬己